Would you guys believe that this steakhouse isn’t old school in most ways? There’s wheat pasted posters on the walls. There’s a vinyl DJ set up in the corner right near the espresso machine. The cocktails are amazing. This is Vinyl Steakhouse in New York City.
Kevin Flannery is an amazing guy, who’s also got a pretty serious culinary background so it’s obvious we should trust what he’s talking about. Vinyl opened up as a way to leave the stuffy behind. The “Come as you are” mantra as he refers to is to let others know that this is a safe place to come into and have a nice time. You can enjoy this without feeling like your manners need to be at 100%.
The price tag here? In our eyes, pretty at par with most steakhouses in a city atmosphere. And disclaimer (although we paid for the meal ourselves) we did do dinner here a few days prior to really understand the atmosphere. It was great. (what I mean is we aren’t being paid to say that!). As Kevin gets this establishment under control he’s quietly working on another space in fairly close proximity that should be ready by the summer of ’25. We’ll revisit with him then.